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General Availability (GA) of the AIP unified labeling client!

This is the first GA release that is completely integrated with the unified labeling platform to eliminate managing labels in both the Azure portal and the Office 365 Security & Compliance Center.

The AIP unified labeling client gets its configuration (labels and polices)from the Office 365 Security & Compliance Center like all other Microsoft Information Protection workloads, including built in labeling in Office apps for Mac, iOS, and Android.

This release of the AIP unified labeling client includes substantial features from the original AIP client , including manual and automatic labeling and exciting new features that are supported only for unified labeling, such as custom sensitive information types, dictionaries and complex conditions (AND/OR) that dramatically improve automation capabilities and reduce false positive rates. Other features from the standard AIP client will be gradually added to the unified labeling AIP client in the next releases. You can find comparison information about the clients here and read about features that are currently not planned to be supported in the unified labeling client here.

Customers starting their deployment today are advised to start with the unified labeling client and the Office 365 Security & Compliance Center to enjoy the unified client and admin experience. New features will be shipped in the AIP unified labeling client only. Customers that require one of the features that are still not supported in the AIP unified labeling client, for example advanced settings or user defined permissions, should start with the AIP client and upgrade these clients to the unified labeling client once the required features are shipped there. Mixed environments are supported on the same network, so you can run the AIP client and scanner, and the AIP unified labeling client on different computers. In addition, the AIP unified labeling supports a seamless upgrade from the AIP client.

We are also releasing a new GA version of the AIP client that gets its labels and policies from the Azure portal. This release includes the following new features: New central scanner management in the Azure portal, Azure credentials as sensitive information types, and label-based controls for Outlook that can prevent accidental oversharing of sensitive information.

Complete release information for these two clients are available from the AIP client version history and the AIP unified labeling client version history.

More information about the AIP unified labeling client can be found in this blog post.

You can download both AIP client versions from here.

As always, if you have any questions or feedback, please let us know!

