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Zobrazují se příspěvky z leden, 2019

Otevíráte zadní vrátka těm, kteří vědí, jak toho zneužít?

Dobrý den pane , Začnu sice "nepronajímatelsky", ale hned to vysvětlím... Když doma vařím oblíbené jídlo, opakovaně postupuju podle stejného receptu. Osvědčil se. A vím, že pak bude všem (zase) chutnat. Když ale používám počítač (třeba jako když vám dnes píšu tento email), pečlivě si hlídám, aby na něm běžel antivirový program, který se každý den aktualizuje. Nechci totiž žádnému viru či hackerovi dát přístup do našich rodinných fotek, soukromých zpráv nebo si nechat smazat (či do zaplacení výpalného zašifrovat) dlouholetou práci. Proč vám to píšu? Řada pronajímatelů přistupuje k nájemní smlouvě a související dokumentaci jako k tomu vaření: Smlouvu připravili pro prvního nájemce. A když přijde nový, jen vymění jména, data... a mají hotovo. Neuvědomují si přitom ale, co tím nastartovali: Při pronajímání se totiž nepohybujeme v tom bezpečí neměnných podmínek, kdy stačí jen dokola opakovat totéž a výsledek bude vždy stejný.

7 tips for battle-testing new technologies | CIO

7 tips for battle-testing new technologies | CIO Friday, August 31, 2018 11:11 PM Připnuté z: https://www.cio.com/article/3273036/it-strategy/7-tips-for-battle-testing-new-technologies.html?idg_eid=01b98cd9b6e17afcc2b9bbba2ec32178&email_SHA1_lc=b1583a4e048657e59f74636813e1f1e2c3cf8c4b&cid=ndr_nlt_idge_insider_newsletter_2018-05-17&utm_source=Sailthru&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Insider%2520Alert%25202018-05-17&utm_term=idge_insider_newsletter CIOs offer recommendations for conducting proof-of-concept technology tests, as well as vendor "bake-offs." Courting new technologies is a risk for IT leaders, who must wisely allocate finite budgets to hardware, software and services they believe will support business operations. Bad bets can set the company back years and ultimately prove catastrophic for CIOs. AdChoices ADVERTISING This is particularly true in the digital era, as a proliferation of newer technol

FW: Weekly digest: Office 365 changes Dec 10 v2

Office 365 announcements from last week Edit Message center preferences Please sign into your admin account to use any of the links below   Dec 07 What's New in the Microsoft Intune Service Update for November Your Microsoft Intune account has been updated to the latest service build. This service release reflects engineering work conducted in the month of November. More ... MC170603  Like  |  Dislike   Dec 06 We've created multiple new roles for Teams administrators We're bringing four new administrator roles to Microsoft Teams. This update is available in your Microsoft 365 admin center today. This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID: 42621. More ... MC170551  Like  |  Dislike   Dec 06 Updated feature: Outlook for iOS user experience updates Microsoft will start to roll out a new design in Outlo

Weekly digest: Office 365 changes Dec 10

Office 365 announcements from last week Edit Message center preferences Please sign into your admin account to use any of the links below   Dec 07 What's New in the Microsoft Intune Service Update for November Your Microsoft Intune account has been updated to the latest service build. This service release reflects engineering work conducted in the month of November. More ... MC170603  Like  |  Dislike   Dec 06 We've created multiple new roles for Teams administrators We're bringing four new administrator roles to Microsoft Teams. This update is available in your Microsoft 365 admin center today. This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID: 42621. More ... MC170551  Like  |  Dislike   Dec 06 Updated feature: Outlook for iOS user experience updates Microsoft will start to roll out a new design in Outlo

Luper's Learnings - Azure Technical Community for Partners (January 2019)

Luper's Learnings - Azure Technical Community for Partners (January 2019)   Welcome to the January 2019 monthly edition of Luper's Learnings.   Happy New Year! I hope that you had wonderful holidays, rest, vacation and family time (if you celebrate and/or choose to take time off.) It's been many months since I've sent you Luper's Learnings . I feel like with the turn of the year, it's time to recommit to sending this to you on a more regular basis. I didn't try to cram months and months of content in but you'll certainly find plenty to keep you busy 😊 .   Take a look below and let me know if you find good nuggets, have stuff to add or just want to say "Hi!" It's definitely packed with great learnings.   Please do keep in touch via Twitter and email .   If you received this directly from me then you are on my list and you will continue receiving my Learnings once per month. If you would prefer to stop receiving