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Luper's Learnings - Azure Technical Community for Partners (May 2018)

Luper's Learnings - Azure Technical Community for Partners (May 2018)


Welcome to the May 2018 monthly edition of Luper's Learnings.


Happy May! We're supposed to be well into Spring now in the Northern Hemisphere but here in Seattle it's a bit lagging . I hope that your weather is treating you well and that it's ALWAYS cloud-y.


Take a look below and let me know if you find good nuggets, have stuff to add or just want to say "Hi!" It's definitely packed with great learnings.


Please do keep in touch via Twitter and email.


If you received this directly from me then you are on my list and you will continue receiving my Learnings once per month. If you would prefer to stop receiving it, please reply to me and I'll remove you promptly. If somebody forwarded this email to you and you would like to begin receiving it from me directly each month, just email me at luperslearnings@microsoft.com.  


Here's what I've learned in the last month…




Back issues of Luper's Learnings are available via the archive at http://blogs.technet.com/luperslearnings for your convenience and perusal.


Thanks for sticking with me and making it to the bottom of the May Luper's Learnings. You've continued to be such a supportive and vocal group, keep sharing topics of interest for future editions. Now it's time for me to head out on holiday through the first week of April. Look forward to catching up when I return!

If this issue of Luper's Learnings was forwarded to you by a friend or colleague and you would like to receive it directly, just let me know and I'll

Steve Luper

Cloud Solution Architect |  US One Commercial Partner
Microsoft Corporation

Mobile: +1-425-281-8847 | Office: +1-425-705-5432






Microsoft Corporation

One Microsoft Way

Redmond, WA 98052 USA
