Azure Weekly Newsletter Issue #172
powered by endjin
We're only a few weeks away from BUILD, which means you should brace for impact as there will be a deluge of Azure announcements incoming! The big news this week is that Azure Container Instances now generally available.
Here are the other notable announcements:
- Ability to redeploy a Lab Virtual Machine
- Replicated Tables now generally available in Azure SQL Data Warehouse
- Accelerate real-time big data analytics with Spark connector for Microsoft SQL Databases
- Azure Analysis Services integration with VNets via On-Premises Data Gateway
- HDInsight tools for VS Code now supports argparse and Spark 2.2
- Upcoming new capabilities in Azure Time Series Insights
- Azure IoT Hub SDK officially provides native iOS support
- Public preview: Event Hubs for Python and for Node.js
- Azure Toolkit for Eclipse integrates with HDInsight Ambari and supports Spark 2.2
- Azure Toolkit for IntelliJ integrates with HDInsight Ambari and supports Spark 2.2
- Deprecating the Log Search API for Azure Log Analytics
I've spent the last couple of weeks experimenting building a highly scalable architecture for APIs based on Azure API Management and Azure Functions. One of the first issues I wanted to tackle was a better local OpenAPI development experience. In my first proof of concept I used Darrel Miller's excellent OpenAPI.NET SDK to create OpenAPI code generators for Visual Studio. I'll be writing more about these experiments in the coming weeks. In other endjin news, we're very excited about a recent addition to our team - the acquisition has been a work-in-progress for the last 8 years! Read about Jon's first week as an endjineer in this blog.
Elsewhere, Christos Matskas has written an interesting post on Serverless Text Moderation with Azure Functions and the Azure Cognitive Services and likewise Stéphane Fréchette with SQL Server HA using Kubernetes in Azure Container Services (AKS).
For those involved in The Nashville Azure bootcamp last week, Bill Zack has written a nice round-up, thanking everyone involved and reflecting on the day.
This week there's a new resource, perfect for .NET developers looking to get into Azure. Get the Azure Quick Start Guide for .NET Developers here.
If you have any content you'd like to contribute to the newsletter, please tweet @AzureWeekly or ping an email to
Covering: Virtual Machines, Virtual Machine Scale Sets, Functions, Batch, Service Fabric, Cloud Services
- On MSDN, Tanmayee Kamath provides a Feature update: Redeploy a Lab Virtual Machine
- Christos Matskas (@ChristosMatskas) discusses Serverless Text Moderation with Azure Functions and the Azure Cognitive Services
- On the Kloud blog, Asish Padhy describes Promoting and Demoting Site pages to News in Modern SharePoint Sites using SPFx extension and Azure Function
- On MSDN, Bernard Apolinario and Ajay Tanikella write Blockchain in a nutshell
Covering: Virtual Network, Load Balancer, Application Gateway, VPN Gateway, Azure DNS, Content Delivery Network, Traffic Manager, ExpressRoute, Network Watcher, Azure DDos Protection,
- On MSDN, Fidelis Ekezue blogs about Azure Load Balancing Solutions: A guide to help you choose the correct option
- Also on MSDN, markga explains How to setup Global VNet peering in Azure
Covering: Blob storage, Queue storage, File storage, Disk storage, Data Lake Store, StorSimple, Backup
- Jen Stirrup describes Modelling your Data in Azure Data Lake
- On the Azure blog, Ben Cotton discusses Storage scenarios for Cray in Azure
- James van den Berg (@JamesvandenBerg) blogs about Azure Storage Tools AzCopy and Azure Storage Explorer
Web & Mobile
Covering: App Service, Web apps, Mobile apps, API apps, Content Delivery Network, Media Services, Azure Search
- On the Daily Dot Net Tips blog, Abhijit Jana (@AbhijitJana) describes how to Directly deploy non-containerized application to Azure App Service on Linux From Visual Studio
- Michael Crump (@mbcrump) writes Azure Tips and Tricks Part 117 - Enable HTTP 2.0 support for Azure App Service
- On MSDN, Michael S. Hansen describes a FHIR Server in Azure PaaS
- On MSDN, David Buchanan writes about Building your own educational visualisation learning platform with .Net Core & Azure
- On Microsoft + Open Source, Brad Bock describes How to deploy a production-ready Node.js HA Stack on Azure
- On Channel 9, James Montemagno (@JamesMontemagno) talks about Using Lottie for Beautiful Animations with Matt Soucoup
Covering: Container Service, Container Instances, Container Registry, Web App for Containers
- On the Azure blog, Corey Sanders (@CoreySandersWA) announces that Azure Container Instances now generally available
- On Channel 9, Scott Hanselman (@shanselman) talks about the Azure Container Instances GA: A new compute primitive with Justin Luk and provides a Virtual Kubelet Introduction with Ria Bhatia
- Vincent-Philippe Lauzon (@vplauzon) describes Getting started with Docker Containers in Azure and writes Azure Container Instance – Getting Started
- Stéphane Fréchette (@sfrechette) describes SQL Server HA using Kubernetes in Azure Container Services (AKS)
- On Channel 9, Robert Green presents Containers and Existing .NET Apps (Part 2) with Aditi Dugar
- The Service Fabric Team provides an Update on the Service Fabric 6.2 Release Roll-out
- Deep Kapur blogs about Monitoring Service Fabric clusters with Dynatrace
- On Microsoft + Open Source, Karen Chu writes Countdown to KubeCon + CloudNativeCon EU 2018
Covering: SQL Database, Azure Database for MySQL, Azure Database for PostgreSQL, SQL Data Warehouse, SQL Server Stretch Database, Azure Cosmos DB, Table storage, Redis Cache, Data Factory
- On the Azure blog, Ron Ortloff announces that Replicated Tables now generally available in Azure SQL Data Warehouse
- Also on the Azure blog, Rafat Sarosh blogs about Azure CosmosDB: Secure, private, compliant
- On MSDN, Ali Mazaheri discusses Migrating MongoDB databases from Mongo Lab to Cosmos DB
- On the MSSQL Tips site, Fikrat Azizov blogs about Cross-database query performance in Azure SQL Database
- Jose M Jurado (@jmjuradodiaz) writes Lesson Learned 41: Using VNET with Azure SQL Database and writes Lesson Learned 42: Creating an alias for my Azure SQL Database Server
- Jovan Popovic blogs about Azure SQL Database – the database engine that cannot die, writes about the Azure SQL Database – scalability and describes How Azure SQL Database makes database management easier
- On the MSSQL Tips site, John Miner (@JohnMiner3) explains How to Schedule T-SQL Statements to Run with Azure Functions
- On Code Project, Vivek Johari blogs about Azure SQL Database Pricing Models and Service Tiers
- On MSDN, rickcau writes Accidentally deleted all my production data in Azure Table Storage! What now?
Covering: HDInsight, Stream Analytics, Data Lake Analytics, Azure Databricks, Power BI Embedded, Data Catalog
- On the Azure blog, Christian Wade (@_christianWade) writes about the Azure Analysis Services integration with VNets via On-Premises Data Gateway
- On the Azure blog, Jenny Jiang announces that HDInsight tools for VS Code now supports argparse and Spark 2.2
- On the Database Journal site, Anoop Kumar writes about Kafka Integration with HDInsight
- Also on the Azure blog, Xiaochen Wu explains how to Accelerate real-time big data analytics with Spark connector for Microsoft SQL Databases
- On Channel 9, Scott Hanselman (@shanselman) shows us how to Ingest, prepare, and transform using Azure Databricks and Data Factory with Gaurav Malhotra
- On MSDN, José Lara discusses Keeping Data Lake Costs Under Control: Creating Alerts for AUs Usage Thresholds.
- Chris Webb (@cwebb_bi) describes Dynamically Changing A Chart Axis In Power BI Using Bookmarks And Buttons
- On the MSSQL Tips site, Siddharth Mehta (@siddhumehta) describes Multi-Variate Quantitative Analysis with Radar Charts in Power BI Desktop and Koen Verbeeck talks about Calculating Employee Attrition Rate with DAX Part 1
- Devin Knight (@knight_devin) covers Power BI Custom Visuals Class Module 100 – Flow Map
AI + Machine Learning
Covering: Machine Learning, Bots, Computer Vision API, Face API, Bing Web Search API, Customised speech service, Custom Vision Service, Language Understanding Intelligent Service, Bing Custom Search
- On the Xamarin blog, Jim Bennett (@jimbobbennett) blogs about Using TensorFlow and Azure to Add Image Classification to Your Android Apps
- On TechNet, Theo van Kraay talks about Deploying externally generated Python/R Models as Web Services using Azure Machine Learning Studio
- On the Daily Dot Net Tips blog, Abhijit Jana (@AbhijitJana) walks through Connecting Your Azure Bots with QnA Maker Services
- On MSDN, Prashant Pratap writes about the Azure Bot Function
Internet of Things
Covering: IoT Hub, IoT Edge, Event Grid, Stream Analytics, Notification Hubs, Time Series Insights, Azure Location Based Services
- On the Azure blog, Yi Zhong writes that Azure IoT Hub SDK officially provides native iOS support and talks about it on Channel 9 with Olivier Bloch
- Also on the Azure blog, the Azure updates team writes about the Public preview: Event Hubs for Python and Event Hubs for Node.js
- Chandrika Shankarnarayan describes how to Propel your IoT platform to the cloud with Azure Time Series Insights
- On TechNet, Basim Majeed describes Using Query APIs to Unlock the Power of Azure Time Series Insights
- Erich Barnstedt blogs about Automating Industrial IoT Security
- On Code Project, Intel Corporation describes the MQTT Publication with Microsoft Azure
- On Microsoft Cloud Show, Chris Johnson presents Episode 248 | Microsoft Builds a Linux distro?! and other News and Announcements
- On Channel 9, Olivier Bloch (@obloch) gets A tour of the Microsoft AI & IoT Insider Labs from Marlina Hales
Covering: Logic Apps, Service Bus, API Management, BizTalk Services
- On the endjin blog, Howard van Rooijen (@HowardvRooijen) writes about the OpenAPI code generators for Visual Studio
- Tomas Restrepo (@tomasrestrepo) writes about the API Management Sign-in Tenant
- On the Azure blog, Lyle Dodge talks about Organizing subscriptions and resource groups within the Enterprise
- On MSDN, David Burg writes about the RegEx element value validation for Logic App escaping from Json to XML
- On TechNet, Mandar Dharmadhikari blogs about Logic Apps: Integrating LUIS Application With Logic Apps To Predict Intent in User Utterances
- On Channel 9, Cecil Phillip (@cecilphillip) talks about Azure Service Bus and the .NET Standard SDK with Clemens Vasters and Christian Wolf
- On the Azure podcast, the Azure podcast team and guest Jeremy Hollett present Episode 225 - Azure CXP
Security + Identity
Covering: Security Center, Azure Active Directory for developers, Key Vault, Azure Active Directory, Azure Active Directory B2C, Azure Active Directory Domain Services, Multi-Factor Authentication
- On TechNet, Yuri Diogenes (@yuridiogenes) writes about the Azure Security Center Network Map
- On the Azure blog, Russell McDonald explains How Azure Security Center helps detect attacks against your Linux machines
- On MSDN, Sjoukje Zaal (@SjoukjeZaal) writes Azure Content Spotlight – Password-less Sign-in to Azure & Windows 10
- On the Kloud blog, Darren Robinson (@darrenjrobinson) describes Protecting Application Credentials when implementing Modular Azure Functions with Microsoft Flow and explains How to use the FIM/MIM Azure Graph Management Agent for B2B Member/Guest Sync between Azure Tenants
- Also on MSDN, Frank Hu describes How to Get to the Keys/Secrets From Azure Active Directory
- Also on MSDN, the European IIS team explains How to find the Global Admin for your Azure AD tenant
- John Savill explains how to Add group members to another tenant via Azure AD B2B and PowerShell
- On the risual blog, Charlie Lennon provides an Azure Active Directory Password Writeback Overview
- On the Daily Dot Net Tips blog, Abhijit Jana (@AbhijitJana) writes about the Azure Key Vault connected service in Visual Studio 2017
- On Channel 9, Alena Hall (@lenadroid) presents Part 3 of 4: Create and use Azure Key Vault Secrets
- Also on TechNet, Tino Donderwinkel (@tdonde) discusses Managing Azure MFA Server with PowerShell
Developer Tools
Covering: Visual Studio Team Services, Azure DevTest Labs, HockeyApp, Developer tools and SDKs, Xamarin, Storage Explorer
- On the Azure blog, Jenny Jiang writes that Azure Toolkit for Eclipse integrates with HDInsight Ambari and supports Spark 2.2 and writes that Azure Toolkit for IntelliJ integrates with HDInsight Ambari and supports Spark 2.2
- On the Azure blog, Buck Hodges (@tfsbuck) covers What's brewing in Visual Studio Team Services: April 2018 Digest
- Also on MSDN, Willy-P. Schaub lists the Top stories from the VSTS community – 2018.04.20
- On the Black Marble blog, Richard Fennell (@richardfennell) discusses Backing up your TFVC and Git Source from VSTS
- On MSDN, Art Garcia talks about Using VSTS API with PowerShell to scaffold Team Projects
- Also on MSDN, Najib Zarrari walks through Deploying Linked ARM Templates with VSTS
- On Channel 9, Donovan Brown (@DonovanBrown) interviews TQ (Thomas Quinn) about Microservices Versioning
- Michael Crump (@mbcrump) writes Azure Tips and Tricks Part 118 - FREE E-book titled Azure Quick Start Guide for .NET Developers
- Also on Channel 9, Scott Hanselman (@shanselman) talks about Get started with Azure for .NET developers with Barry Luijbregts
- Also on MSDN, University College London IXN Project Group COMP214P Team 22 introduces Mastermind: Powerful and Simple Deployment, Scaling, Load Balancing and Testing of Applications in the Cloud
Management Tools
Covering: Microsoft Azure portal, Azure Policy, Cost Management, Azure Monitor, Application Insights, Log Analytics, Site Recovery, Scheduler
- On the Azure blog, Julia White (@julwhite) writes that Migrating your apps, data and infrastructure to Azure is easier than ever
- On TechNet, Tim Tetrick talks about Azure Migrate
- On the risual blog, Joshua Rogers talks about Migrating your apps, data and infrastructure to Azure
- Simon Waight (@simonwaight) writes about Microsoft Application Insights – APM for Everyone
- On Channel 9, Cecil Phillip (@cecilphillip) talks about Analyzing your applications with Application Insights with Michael Milirud
- On the Azure blog, the Azure updates team writes about the Deprecation of the Log Search API for Azure Log Analytics
- On the Catapult Systems blog, Cameron Fuller describes Extending alerts for Log Analytics into Azure and walks through Adding alerts for Log Analytics in Azure
- John Savill delves into Delivering a Customizable, Graphical Insight into Azure VM Security, Health and Connectivity Using Several Azure Services Together
- On MSDN, Steve Michelotti explains How to use Azure Monitor for Azure Government with Sachin Dubey
- Michael Crump (@mbcrump) writes Azure Tips and Tricks Part 116 - Easily Upload and download Azure dashboards
- On the Microsoft Cloud IT Pro Podcast, Ben Stegink and Scott Hoag present Episode 60 – Azure Cloud Shell (or 30 Minutes About A Text Box)
- Andy Thomas writes Azure to Terraform (az2tf)
- On MSDN, Timothy Warner (@TechTrainerTim) describes how to Schedule VM Downtime With Azure Automation And PowerShell
Microsoft Azure Stack
Covering: Azure Stack
- Thomas Maurer (@thomasmaurer) explains how to Connect to Azure Stack from Azure Cloud Shell
Thought Leadership from endjin
- Unlocking Digital Transformation with Azure API Management - a training session from endjin, explaining what Digital Transformation is, and how to use Azure API Management to take your first steps. Three versions are available: 5 minute exec summary, 20 minute overview or 50 minute deep dive.
- How to plan your cloud transformation journey - an article explaining how you should use the various bits of thought leadership content from endjin to plan your cloud journey.
- API Maturity Matrix - a spreadsheet to help you assess your organization's ability to build, test, deploy, manage and monetize an API Platform.
- Azure Technology Selector - a flowchart which guides you through the process of chosing the best Azure service for your needs.
- Cloud Comparison Poster - a free poster, comparing the three major cloud platforms - Azure, AWS & Google Cloud Platform. For more information, see the accompanying blog series.
- Cloud Migration Process - a free poster, outlining our process for cloud adoption.
- Cloud Adoption: Risk & Mitigations - The Swiss Cheese Model - a free poster from endjin & Hymans Robertson outlining the risk and mitigations of adopting public cloud.
- Embracing Disruption: Financial Services & the Microsoft Cloud - a free ebooklet from endjin describing how companies in FS can take advantage of Azure.
Solutions from endjin
- Modern Data Platform Blueprint - our opinionated architecture over Azure Data Lake, which solves common security, ingestion, and data processing requirements.
- API Economy Platform Blueprint - our solution accelerator for building an API first architecure on Azure.
Useful Links
- The Developer's Guide to Microsoft Azure (2nd Edition) - ebook from Microsoft showcasing architectural approaches and common design patterns you face when building modern applications.
- Azure Virtual Datacenter - ebook from Microsoft highlighting an approach to isolation, security, and trust in the Microsoft cloud.
- Cyber Security Demystified - ebook from Microsoft describing how to keep your organisation safe.
- Microsoft's What is Azure poster - a visual overview of Azure's services and features.
- Microsoft Azure Essentials: Fundamentals of Azure - a free ebook from Microsoft Press, by Michael S. Collier and Robin E. Shahan.
- Data Science in the Cloud with Microsoft Azure Machine Learning and R - a free ebook on Azure Machine Learning, by Stephen F. Elston.
- Protecting Data in Microsoft Azure - a whitepaper that describes the various mechanism you can you can leverage for managing sensitive data in the Azure platform.
- A-Z of the Azure ecosystem - a slide deck outlining current Azure services.
- Azure Architecture Center - guidance from the Patterns & Practices team covering API Design, API implementation, Autoscaling, Background jobs, CDN, Caching, Data partitioning, Monitoring and diagnostics, Retry, Scalability and availability.
- Azure Architect's Reference - if you are an architect responsible for building an application on Azure, or are trying to figure out how you could migrate an application and need to dig deep into the workload, cost, security, capacity, availability, deployment and operational modelling this invaluable resource should be your first stop. An open source project, with contributions from several experienced architects, it gathers data from many different references into a single, useful guide that is constantly updated by the community.
- Azure Table Storage Design Guide - a guide from the storage team.
- Azure infrastructure services implementation guidelines - key design and implementation guidelines for deploying an IT workload in Azure infrastructure services.
- Azure Speed Test - a simple web tool that measures the latency between you and Azure Datacenters to suggest which might be fastest for you location.
- Azure Websites Cheatsheet - everything you need to know about configuring & managing Azure Websites on a single page.
- SQL Database Migration Wizard - a very useful tool for migrating existing SQL databases to SQL Azure; will fix some common conversion errors automatically.
- Azure SQL DTU Calculator - a tool to help you determine the number of DTUs for your existing SQL Server database(s) as well as a recommendation of the minimum performance level and service tier that you need before you migrate to Azure SQL Database.
- Microsoft Azure Symbol/Icon Set - a set of Visio and PowerPoint shapes for use in architecture diagrams / presentations.
- Service Bus Explorer - a free and open source tool for managing and exploring Azure Service Bus(including Event Hubs).
- Best practices for designing Azure Resource Manager Templates - guidance based on the whitepaper 'World Class ARM Templates Considerations and Proven Practices'.
- Microsoft Cloud Networking for Enterprise Architects - a downloadable guide to Azure networking, covering topics such as cloud migration and networking for PaaS and SaaS services
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