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Azure Weekly #163 - 25th February 2018

Azure Weekly Newsletter Issue #163

powered by endjin

If you make use of Azure file shares, this first announcement will be of interest - as backup for Azure file shares is now available. For people interested in building reactive systems, a highly requested integration has also been added; Azure Service Bus now integrates with Azure Event Grid, but read the caveats as there are a number of issues to be aware of. If the GDPR deadline is starting to keep you up at night, you might be interested in this article about solving GDPR Discovery via Azure Data Catalog.

Other highlights of from this week include; New Azure GxP guidelines help pharmaceutical and biotech customers build GxP solutions, Patch Orchestration Application now available for Ubuntu Linux Service Fabric clusters, a useful getting started in Machine Learning: Google vs Databricks vs AzureML vs R guide. A series of strategies to realizing Cost Savings in Azure, Azure US Government regions are available on Azure Status page and a guide to Azure services for apps built with Xamarin.

Finally, in an in depth article, Stefan Johner asks Why Microsoft Azure?

If you have any content you'd like to contribute to the newsletter, please tweet @AzureWeekly or ping an email to AzureWeekly@endjin.com.

@HowardvRooijen | @endjin


Covering: Virtual Machines, Virtual Machine Scale Sets, Functions, Batch, Service Fabric, Cloud Services


Covering: Virtual Network, Load Balancer, Application Gateway, VPN Gateway, Azure DNS, Content Delivery Network, Traffic Manager, ExpressRoute, Network Watcher, Azure DDos Protection,


Covering: Blob storage, Queue storage, File storage, Disk storage, Data Lake Store, StorSimple, Backup

Web & Mobile

Covering: App Service, Web apps, Mobile apps, API apps, Content Delivery Network, Media Services, Azure Search


Covering: Container Service, Container Instances, Container Registry, Web App for Containers

  • No content this week


Covering: SQL Database, Azure Database for MySQL, Azure Database for PostgreSQL, SQL Data Warehouse, SQL Server Stretch Database, Azure Cosmos DB, Table storage, Redis Cache, Data Factory


Covering: HDInsight, Stream Analytics, Data Lake Analytics, Azure Databricks, Power BI Embedded, Data Catalog

AI + Machine Learning

Covering: Machine Learning, Bots, Computer Vision API, Face API, Bing Web Search API, Customised speech service, Custom Vision Service, Language Understanding Intelligent Service, Bing Custom Search

Internet of Things

Covering: IoT Hub, IoT Edge, Event Grid, Stream Analytics, Notification Hubs, Time Series Insights, Azure Location Based Services

Integration Services

Covering: Logic Apps, Service Bus, API Management, BizTalk Services

Security + Identity

Covering: Security Center, Azure Active Directory for developers, Key Vault, Azure Active Directory, Azure Active Directory B2C, Azure Active Directory Domain Services, Multi-Factor Authentication

Developer Tools

Covering: Visual Studio Team Services, Azure DevTest Labs, HockeyApp, Developer tools and SDKs, Xamarin, Storage Explorer

Monitoring + Management

Covering: Microsoft Azure portal, Azure Policy, Cost Management, Azure Monitor, Application Insights, Log Analytics, Site Recovery, Scheduler

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