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Azure Weekly #162 - 18th February 2018

Azure Weekly Newsletter Issue #162

powered by endjin

Welcome to issue #162 of Azure Weekly!

The first thing I'll point out is if you are, or know of an AWS expert looking to transfer knowledge into the Azure platform, a helpful blog with plenty of linked resources has been posted: Azure for AWS Professionals. In this week's news referring to another tech giant, Microsoft has also highlighted its partnership with Citrix, giving us Six reasons you'll love Citrix Cloud and Microsoft Azure.

On the technical side, there are a few features that have reached GA this week: Application consistent backup for Linux VMs using Azure Backup, Building Go apps for Azure with the Go SDK, ExpressRoute monitoring with Network Performance Monitor NPM and Azure Redis Cache geo-replication.

There are a few other announcements: the long awaited ability to view Microsoft Azure Data Lake Storage in Storage Explorer and the new Log Alerts feature for Application Insights have both gone into public preview, and Azure Site Recovery now has the ability to setup Disaster Recovery (DR) for IaaS VMs using managed disks.

If your interests lie with databases, there have been a number of new features in CosmosDB over the past few months, which are nicely summarized by Scott Hanselman and Kirill Gavrylyuk in this Channel 9 video. Barry Luijbregts has also provided a nice comparison of Azure SQL Database and Azure SQL Data Warehouse.

If you're intrigued by the Data Science hype and want to get your hands dirty within your organization, Jen Stirrup has written an interesting article: How do you know if your org is ready for Data Science? Starting your journey with Azure Databricks. In the related space of AI, there is a fascinating use-case implemented by Ordnance Survey and Microsoft, using Microsoft AI technologies to classify the type of roof a house has, with the goal of saving people money on their insurance premiums.

Finally, have you ever found some incorrect or out-of-date info in the Azure docs? Sam Cogan reminds us that we can help improve the Azure Documentation.

If you have any content you'd like to contribute to the newsletter, please tweet @AzureWeekly or ping an email to AzureWeekly@endjin.com.

@HowardvRooijen | @endjin


Covering: Virtual Machines, Virtual Machine Scale Sets, Functions, Batch, Service Fabric, Cloud Services


Covering: Virtual Network, Load Balancer, Application Gateway, VPN Gateway, Azure DNS, Content Delivery Network, Traffic Manager, ExpressRoute, Network Watcher, Azure DDos Protection,


Covering: Blob storage, Queue storage, File storage, Disk storage, Data Lake Store, StorSimple, Backup

Web & Mobile

Covering: App Service, Web apps, Mobile apps, API apps, Content Delivery Network, Media Services, Azure Search


Covering: Container Service, Container Instances, Container Registry, Web App for Containers


Covering: SQL Database, Azure Database for MySQL, Azure Database for PostgreSQL, SQL Data Warehouse, SQL Server Stretch Database, Azure Cosmos DB, Table storage, Redis Cache, Data Factory


Covering: HDInsight, Stream Analytics, Data Lake Analytics, Azure Databricks, Power BI Embedded, Data Catalog

AI + Machine Learning

Covering: Machine Learning, Bots, Computer Vision API, Face API, Bing Web Search API, Customised speech service, Custom Vision Service, Language Understanding Intelligent Service, Bing Custom Search

Internet of Things

Covering: IoT Hub, IoT Edge, Event Grid, Stream Analytics, Notification Hubs, Time Series Insights, Azure Location Based Services

Enterprise Integration

Covering: Logic Apps, Service Bus, API Management, BizTalk Services

Security + Identity

Covering: Security Center, Azure Active Directory for developers, Key Vault, Azure Active Directory, Azure Active Directory B2C, Azure Active Directory Domain Services, Multi-Factor Authentication

Developer Tools

Covering: Visual Studio Team Services, Azure DevTest Labs, HockeyApp, Developer tools and SDKs, Xamarin, Storage Explorer

Monitoring + Management

Covering: Microsoft Azure portal, Azure Policy, Cost Management, Azure Monitor, Application Insights, Log Analytics, Site Recovery, Scheduler

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Useful Links
