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Veeam Community Forums Digest for dandvo [Nov 27 - Nov 27, 2017]

Veeam Community Forums Digest

November 27 - November 27, 2017



Sorry for the forum digest glitch last week – some of you have received it twice, and other had invalid top content included – there was a glitch due to the change of sending time.

We've shipped the RTM build of Update 3 for Veeam Backup & Replication 9.5 last week! This build goes to our Veeam Cloud Connect service providers only, so that they're able to provide Day 1 support of the new B&R release when it becomes generally available in a couple of weeks. Update 3 is a huge release and I'm planning to do the live session around GA about all the features we're shipping across B&R itself, the new versions of Veeam Agents it comes with, and Veeam ONE. Perhaps even two sessions, as built-in agent management deserves its own deep-dive to cover frequently asked questions on how it works. I'll announce the date and time for both sessions here, so just keep an eye on this digest if you're interested.

I don't typically talk about competitors here but a couple of things came up last week that I just could not pass by. First, CommVault CEO himself has publicly admitted they have completely failed against Veeam. A bit late realization given that we passed them in software licensing revenue back in 2016 – and this year we should be almost 2x bigger! I find many customers and partners don't realize how big Veeam actually is these days relatively to incumbents – please spread the word, we do need your help in changing the perception of Veeam being a small pony! And the fun part, this post on the Veeam subreddit made my day!

Microsoft is really killing it these days and doesn't stop for nothing – but they really took it to the next level with this one! You've probably heard already that a few months ago, VMware has launched its IaaS offering in Amazon – essentially VMware vSphere running on Amazon hardware (by the way, 9.5 Update 3 brings full support for this platform). Well, guess what – it did not take long for Microsoft to announce the same offering in Azure! Just think about it – yep, this does mean that Microsoft will effectively resell vSphere... simply mind blowing. VMware responded quickly and they were clearly VERY unhappy with this announcement. Stock up some popcorn folks – it's going to be a big show for sure!

Perhaps also contributing to Microsoft success lately is the "use-Linux-everywhere" hype of the past decade coming to the end, with actual adopters finally realizing the real costs of using free software. For example, the German city of Munich, famous for rejecting Windows in favor of using Linux on its PCs returns back to Windows. Good lesson for anyone who tends to look at the upfront software licensing costs alone, not considering the total cost of ownership. Linux certainly has its place in the modern IT, but it is not the answer to everything.

I guess we should call this Big Brother's Big Data > US military social media archive found. Think before you post your next tweet, folks – even if you are not of a type that the U.S. government should be concerned about. I learned this lesson a hard way – one of my many comments on Facebook was dug up and used against me at a deposition in that IP lawsuit vs. Symantec a few years ago (that Veeam won in the end). So just remember that "everything you say can and will be used against you" is also the case with social media.



Another week has passed, and another product has been released by Veeam R&D team!

Please welcome Veeam Backup & Replication 9.5 Update 3 RTM! As you might already know, this update is really a huge one in terms of all new features and product enhancements that it delivers. Last week we sent out the communication ecard to all active VCSPs that covers the What's New list, system requirements and general FAQ. If you've missed that for some reason, here is a copy of the ecard, posted on our VCSP forums. Here is the blog post about some new features of Update 3 made by our Global Technologist, Anthony Spiteri, please take a look.

One of the new features that I would like to highlight today is the change to our Veeam Cloud Connect Backup (VCC-B) licensing model. This should be a big deal to VCSPs who use rental keys to manage Veeam Backup & Replication servers and Veeam Agents for Microsoft Windows and Linux of their clients. Please be aware that starting from Update 3 you can host backups of managed VMs and computers in the cloud repository with no additional Veeam license fee/cost. This is an important and strategic step for Veeam - and a great opportunity for you to start offering Veeam backup as a service to your clients, especially since now you have a free tool to manage it all in a single console.

For more info on the licensing model change, please review this post in the VCSP forum.

Lastly, to support our launch of Veeam Availability Console, we are planning to have a series of overview webinars this week. You can register to one of them over here.




can use storage snapshot for vms on local disk server   [VIEWS: 11 • REPLIES: 7]

Dear friend
i read this document about storage snapshot
https://helpcenter.veeam.com/docs/backup/vsphere/storage_backup.html?ver=95 more

Backup Copy Interval   [VIEWS: 10 • REPLIES: 2]

I have a large vm, 1.8 TB that I am trying to do a backup copy over the internet. I have been using the full pipe over the weekend and the veeam copy job will get to 27% and fail because of copy job interval. more

Search Function Feature Virtual Machine   [VIEWS: 10 • REPLIES: 1]

hi Veeam
Virtual Machine tap
as you know on the Virtual Machine tap there is a search function for Virtual machine name on the drop down if you could add "Last backup, or last backup's showing 5, show backup job name" more

bast practive for my infrastrucutre : Off-Host Backup Proxy?   [VIEWS: 9 • REPLIES: 2]

In our case, we have a main site (say A) with all our VMWare VM and one Veeam Server for backup.
All is fine in A site. more

Replacing the VMware vCenter   [VIEWS: 7 • REPLIES: 1]

I need to replace the current standalone VMware vSphere 5.5 vCenter with a new Active Directory integrated vCenter.
The action plan is:



None of topics you have contributed to have been updated this week.

