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Zobrazují se příspěvky z březen, 2018

Veeam Community Forums Digest for dandvo [Mar 19 - Mar 25, 2018]

Veeam Community Forums Digest March 19 - March 25, 2018   THE WORD FROM GOSTEV We've initialized the Veeam Agent for Windows update servers with version 2.1 last week, so checking for an update will now show the new version being available. It is always one of the top questions for the agent – why my installation does not see the latest version? We simply like to take time to ensure stability of new installations before pushing the update to our entire install base. And this time, we waited longer than usual because 2.1 introduces the new optional changed block tracking driver for servers. The official announcement of Windows Server 2019 is out - so now we know how the new LTSC release of Windows Server will be called. And looks like it is scheduled to come out at the same time as RS5 SAC release towards the end of this year. But before that, we will see RS4 – which I understand should become available any day now. Our p...

Azure Weekly #167 - 25th March 2018

Azure Weekly Newsletter Issue #167 powered by endjin The most notable news in this week's edition, which the majority of you may have already picked up, is that Service Fabric is going open source . Just another move that shows Microsoft's commitment to open source! Another exciting announcement this week is the Common Data Service for Analytics which is coming soon to PowerBI, which will serve to simplify business data analytics processes, offering: a multitude of connectors, the ablility to set standard schema, and Out-of-the-Box solutions. Similarly, read here about the Common Data Service for Apps Spring update. Here's some other noteworthy news from the past week: General availability of Azure database services for MySQL and PostgreSQL New columnstore support in Standard tier Azure SQL Databases Azure Redis Cache feature updates Improved multi-member Blockchain networks now available on Azure Global performance a...

Consequence - březen 2018

    Magazín společnosti Conseq         Dluhopisové výnosy se vrací na zajímavější úrovně   V lednu ještě akciové trhy po celém světě raketovým tempem pokračovaly v rostoucím trendu z předchozího roku, ale v únoru se dostavilo vybírání zisků v podobě prodejů akcií a následných poklesů indexů hlavních světových burz. Zatímco americké akcie se rychle otřepaly a během měsíce dohnaly více než polovinu z únorových ztrát, akcie evropských společností pokračovaly mimo jiné pod vlivem výsledků italských parlamentních voleb v poklesu. >>více David Kufa, Senior Relationship Manager, Conseq Investment Management     ...